PolyHaplotyper vignette

PolyHaplotyper vignette

Roeland E. Voorrips, 2025-02-13

This vignette shows how to use the main functions provided in R package PolyHaplotyper and explains their output.

The PolyHaplotyper package contains tools to derive phased haplotypes from unphased bi-allelic marker (SNP) data in collections of individuals of any even ploidy level: diploid, tetraploid, hexaploid. The haplotyping does not rely on linkage mapping and often is very fast (within a few seconds per haploblock).

The markers must have been grouped into “haploblocks” that are so tightly linked that recombination may be assumed not to occur within the population. Typically such a haploblock would be the collection of all SNPs within a single contig. Since the number of possible haplotypes and hence the computation time increases dramatically with increasing number of markers it is best to split larger haploblocks to a maximum of 7-8 markers (in tetraploids) or 5-6 markers (in hexaploids).

The haplotyping is more reliable if one or more FS (Full-Sib) families, with parents, are present, but will also proceed if no such FS families are available, or if the parents have missing data.

Input data

Load the package and demo data:

rm(list=ls()) # clear existing data from memory
# show the demo data:
## [1] "demo_ped"    "demo_snpdos"

Two inputs are necessary for the assignment of haplotypes: a matrix or data.frame with the dosages of the markers, and a list indicating which markers belong to each haploblock. If FS families are present, these and their parents must also be specified: the FS family as a list with for each family a vector of names of the FS individuals, and the parents as a matrix with two columns and one row for each FS family. Further, in order to test if the assigned haplotype combinations match between parents and progeny, a pedigree must be specified as a matrix or data.frame. The pedigree is not needed or used for the haplotyping itself, only (optionally) for a check afterwards. This pedigree can also contain other individuals than those in the specified FS families.

Each individual should be represented by one column in the marker dosage data. If a pedigree is supplied there should also be one row for each individual in the pedigree, and the individual names in the dosage data and pedigree must correspond (the pedigree may contain extra individuals not present in the dosage data). If that is the case the rest of this section can be skipped. However, in the demo data several individuals are replicated in the dosage data and the pedigree, and the columns of the dosage data are named by sample codes rather than individual names. Also the haploblocks are defined by an extra column in the dosage data, rather than by a list.

Since these are likely to be common issues we show here how to obtain input data in the correct formats, using some tools from the PolyHaplotyper package.

Haploblock definitions

The markers must be assigned to haploblocks which are stored as a list. In the example the haploblock information is contained in an extra column “contig” in the marker dosage data:

demo_snpdos[1:6, 1:8]
##           marker contig s488 s649 s487 s639 s1_3 s1_4
## 1 WagCmDlf_18464 ctg001    1    1    0    0    1    1
## 2 WagCmDlf_12697 ctg001    1    1    1    1    0    0
## 3 WagCmDlf_61726 ctg001    6    6    6    6    6    6
## 4 WagCmDlf_26276 ctg001    1    1    1    1    0    0
## 5 WagCmDlf_33716 ctg002    6    6    6    6    6    6
## 6 WagCmDlf_19610 ctg002    5    5    6    6    6    6

We convert the haploblock information to list format:

hblist <- haploblock_df2list(demo_snpdos, mrkcol=1, hbcol=2)
# number of markers in each haploblock:
sapply(hblist, length)
## ctg001 ctg002 ctg003 ctg004 ctg005 ctg006 ctg007 
##      4      4      5      5      4      4      4

This small example has data for 7 haploblocks, each with 4 or 5 markers.

Marker data

The marker data must be supplied as a matrix or data.frame, with markers in rows and individuals in columns, with each cell containing the dosage (0 … ploidy) of the target marker allele. Our data are in data.frame demo_snpdos, which, as we saw above, contains an extra column “contig” defining the haploblocks. We remove the contig column from demo_snpdos to get it in the required format:

demo_snpdos <- demo_snpdos[, -2]
demo_snpdos[1:6, 1:8]
##           marker s488 s649 s487 s639 s1_3 s1_4 s1_5
## 1 WagCmDlf_18464    1    1    0    0    1    1    1
## 2 WagCmDlf_12697    1    1    1    1    0    0    0
## 3 WagCmDlf_61726    6    6    6    6    6    6    6
## 4 WagCmDlf_26276    1    1    1    1    0    0    0
## 5 WagCmDlf_33716    6    6    6    6    6    6    6
## 6 WagCmDlf_19610    5    5    6    6    6    6    6

The SNP dosages are all in the range 0…6, as these demo data are obtained from a hexaploid crop (chrysanthemum). NA indicates an unknown dosage.


The pedigree must be a data.frame or matrix with in the first 3 columns the names of the individual, its mother and its father. Parents may be missing (NA) but individuals may not, and there may not be more than one line for the same individual. Additional columns may be present. In our case demo_ped has a fourth column containing the sample nr:

##   genotype mother father sample_nr
## 1     2096     NA     NA      s629
## 2     4431     NA     NA      s630
## 3     6352   8420     NA      s631
## 4     7688     NA     NA      s632
## 5     7783   4431     NA      s201
## 6     8309     NA     NA      s611

In this example several individuals are represented by more than one line, because here the pedigree is also used to specify the (sometimes duplicated) samples for each individual.
In order to remove the duplicates from the pedigree we build a list with the samples representing each replicated individual.

# create a list of of replicates:
tb <- table(demo_ped$genotype)
replist <- list()
for (dup in names(tb[tb>1])) {
  replist[[dup]] <- demo_ped$sample_nr[demo_ped$genotype == dup]

We remove the replicated individuals from the pedigree, keeping only the first row for each set of duplicates:

## [1] 661   4
for (dup in seq_along(replist)) {
  dupsamp <- as.character(replist[[dup]])[-1]
  demo_ped <- demo_ped[!(demo_ped$sample_nr %in% dupsamp),]
## [1] 631   4

We see that 30 lines containing duplicates have been discarded.

In demo_snpdos, the data.frame containing the SNP dosages, the column names are the sample names, and duplicated samples are still present. First we merge the dosage data of the replicates for each individual, again using replist (the list of replicates):

# merge all the duplicated samples:
## [1]  30 662
demo_snpdos <- mergeReplicates(mrkDosage=demo_snpdos, replist=replist,
## [1]  30 631

Function mergeReplicates has converted the demo_snpdos data.frame to a matrix, with the rownames taken from the column “marker”. For each individual present in multiple replicates only the first column name is retained, and the merged data are the consensus scores over all replicates. We see that demo_snpdos now has 31 less columns: 1 was the removed “marker” column and 30 were columns for the duplicated samples, corresponding to the 30 duplicates removed from the pedigree.

Now we must change the sample numbers to the corresponding individual names:

colnames(demo_snpdos) <- 
  demo_ped$genotype[match(colnames(demo_snpdos), demo_ped$sample_nr)]

FS families

Finally we specify the four FS families and their parents (note that individual 39287 is the father of two FS families):

parents <- cbind(c(36451, 41234, 9656, 32141),
                 c(39287, 40360, 9541, 39287))
##       [,1]  [,2]
## [1,] 36451 39287
## [2,] 41234 40360
## [3,]  9656  9541
## [4,] 32141 39287
# find the FS individuals by looking in the pedigree for their mother and father:
FS <- list()
for (p in seq_len(nrow(parents))) {
  FS[[p]] <- 
    demo_ped$genotype[!is.na(demo_ped$mother) & demo_ped$mother==parents[p, 1] &
                      !is.na(demo_ped$father) & demo_ped$father==parents[p, 2]]
# sizes of the FS families:
sapply(FS, length)
## [1] 405  53  76  37


Now we have the input data for the haplotyping in the correct formats. To perform the haplotyping for all haploblocks in one go we use function inferHaplotypes:

results <- inferHaplotypes(mrkDosage=demo_snpdos, ploidy=6,
                           parents=parents, FS=FS)

We assume here that you run this command in a directory that does not contain file ahclist_6x.RData or ahccompletelist_6x.RData (more about these files in section Remarks).
The first output line says that ahccompletelist cannot be loaded. Then you will get messages about sets of haplotype combinations that need to be calculated. These would normally be available from the ahccompletelist file, but failing that they are calculated as needed. For this small example this will take about 1 min. When this is done the actual haplotyping is done, and again progress messages are shown.

This function call returns a list with one item for each haploblock. Each of these items is itself a list with several items. We’ll take a look at the results for the first haploblock which are in results[[1]].
The actual haplotyping is in item hapdos (for “haplotype dosages”). The composition of the haplotypes used in any of the individuals can be obtained via the usedhap function, and a listing of all possible haplotypes with the allhap function.

## [1] "hapdos"      "mrkdids"     "markers"     "FSfit"       "FSmessages" 
## [6] "FSpval"      "imputedGeno" "message"
# show part of hapdos: the dosages of the haplotypes, for the first haploblock:
results[[1]]$hapdos[, 1:8]
##           9656 9541 39287 51202 51203 51204 51205 51206
## ctg001_01    0    0     0     0     0     0     0     0
## ctg001_03    4    5     4     3     4     6     5     4
## ctg001_07    0    0     0     0     0     0     0     0
## ctg001_08    1    1     1     1     0     0     1     0
## ctg001_11    1    0     1     2     2     0     0     2
# show the composition of the used haplotypes:
##                1 3 7 8 11
## WagCmDlf_18464 0 0 0 0  1
## WagCmDlf_12697 0 0 1 1  0
## WagCmDlf_61726 0 1 1 1  1
## WagCmDlf_26276 0 0 0 1  0
# show the composition of all possible haplotypes:
##                1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
## WagCmDlf_18464 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1
## WagCmDlf_12697 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0  0  0  0  1  1  1  1
## WagCmDlf_61726 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0  0  1  1  0  0  1  1
## WagCmDlf_26276 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0  1  0  1  0  1  0  1

Haploblock 1 has 4 SNPs, so there are 16 (2^4) possible haplotypes. These are all listed in the matrix returned by allhap, with a 0 indicating the non-counted (reference) SNP allele and a 1 the dosage-counted (alternative) allele. In haploblocks with more markers there will be many more columns, so function usedhap is often more useful; this shows only the haplotypes that are present in at least one individual.

Matrix hapdos has the dosages of each haplotype in each individual, in the same layout as the marker dosages in demo_snpdos. Only the haplotypes that occur in the population are shown: in this case haplotypes 1, 3, 7, 8 and 11 (appended to the haploblock name). For each individual the haplotype dosages sum to the ploidy (6). Non-haplotyped individuals have NA dosages for all haplotypes.

Another interesting item in the results is imputedGenotypes. For some FS individuals that have missing data in the marker genotypes it is still possible to infer their haplotype composition, and from this follow the complete marker dosages. Below we see these imputed marker dosages compared with the original dosages:

results[[1]]$imputedGeno[, 1:8]
##                51216 51230 51360 51389 51392 51394 51402 51460
## WagCmDlf_18464     2     2     1     1     0     2     1     1
## WagCmDlf_12697     1     1     1     0     0     0     0     1
## WagCmDlf_61726     6     6     6     6     6     6     6     6
## WagCmDlf_26276     1     1     1     0     0     0     0     1
demo_snpdos[hblist[[1]], colnames(results[[1]]$imputedGeno)[1:8]]
##                51216 51230 51360 51389 51392 51394 51402 51460
## WagCmDlf_18464     2     2     1     1     0     2     1     1
## WagCmDlf_12697    NA    NA     1    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA
## WagCmDlf_61726     6     6     6     6     6     6     6     6
## WagCmDlf_26276     1     1    NA     0     0     0     0     1

The other items in the results for each haploblock are mostly intended for generating overviews and statistics as shown in the next section. Refer to the manual (?inferHaplotypes) for an explanation of all items.

Overviews and statistics

Overviews by FS family

The results of the haplotyping are now in a list named results. We first see how well the different FS families have been haplotyped, using function overviewByFS:

ovwFS <- overviewByFS(haploblock=hblist, parents=parents, FS=FS,
# The full table is too wide to show;
# for FS family 1 the results are:
knitr::kable(ovwFS$ovw[, 1: 8], digits=c(0,0,0,0,3,0,0,0))
nmrk nhap parmrk1 fit1 P1 mrk1 imp1 hap1
ctg001 4 5 2 1 0.321 380 10 390
ctg002 4 5 2 1 0.039 404 0 403
ctg003 5 6 2 1 0.347 344 0 343
ctg004 5 7 2 1 0.221 383 6 387
ctg005 4 8 2 1 0.281 305 1 305
ctg006 4 6 2 1 0.051 308 15 323
ctg007 4 5 2 1 0.007 313 2 314
# the final columns for the non-FS individuals and all individuals:
knitr::kable(ovwFS$ovw[, c(1:2, 27:31)])
nmrk nhap mrkrest haprest mrkall impall hapall
ctg001 4 5 48 48 595 11 605
ctg002 4 5 47 46 601 0 596
ctg003 5 6 41 41 544 0 536
ctg004 5 7 45 41 577 6 567
ctg005 4 8 30 18 434 2 413
ctg006 4 6 10 8 392 15 393
ctg007 4 5 7 4 377 7 350

overviewByFS returns a list with two items: ovw and messages. Both are matrices with one row per haploblock. Matrix ovw first gives the number of markers (nmrk) and of assigned haplotypes (nhap) for the haploblock over all individuals, and then for each FS family specific information: parmrk (0, 1 or 2: the number of parents with complete marker dosages), fit (1 if a polysomic segregation could be fitted, else 0), P (the chi-squared P-value of the best fitting segregation of haplotypes, even if this segregation was rejected), mrk (the number of FS individuals with complete marker dosages), imp (the number of FS individuals for which marker dosages were imputed) and hap (the number of FS individuals with an assigned haplotype combination). After the last FS family we have two columns for “rest” (all individuals that are not in the FS families or their parents) and three columns for “all” (all individuals), again with mrk, imp and hap indicating the number of individuals with complete marker data, with imputed marker genotypes and with assigned haplotypes. See the help file for further details (?overviewByFS).

The second item in the OverviewByFS result, messages, is also a matrix with one row per haploblock. It has first a message for the entire haploblock and then one message per FS family.

Pedigree check

Next we check each individual for a match between the possible gametes of its parents and its own haplotype composition, using function pedigreeHapdosCheck:

pedchk <- pedigreeHapCheck(ped=demo_ped, mrkDosage=demo_snpdos,
## checking haploblock 1 of 7: ctg001
## checking haploblock 2 of 7: ctg002
## checking haploblock 3 of 7: ctg003
## checking haploblock 4 of 7: ctg004
## checking haploblock 5 of 7: ctg005
## checking haploblock 6 of 7: ctg006
## checking haploblock 7 of 7: ctg007
#show part of ped_arr for haploblock 1:
mrk imp hap noDR withDR
#show parents_arr for parents with more than 10 offspring and haploblock 1:
par_mrk par_hap prog_tot prog_mrk prog_hap nonDRmatch DRmatch
32141 1 1 37 34 34 34 34
36451 1 1 405 380 390 389 390
39287 1 1 442 414 424 423 424
40360 1 1 56 55 55 55 55
41234 1 1 53 52 52 52 52
9541 1 1 81 78 78 77 78
9656 1 1 76 74 74 73 74

pedigreeHapdosCheck returns a list with two items, the 3-dim arrays ped_arr and parents_arr. In both cases the first dimension are individuals and the third dimension are haploblocks; the second dimension are the columns as shown above.

Array ped_arr shows for each individual in the pedigree whether it has complete marker data (mrk), whether some of its marker dosages were imputed (imp) and whether it has an assigned haplotype combination (hap), and if its haplotype combination is compatible with that of its parents assuming Double Reduction to be impossible (noDR) or possible (withDR); NA indicates that the individual itself or both its parents have no haplotypes assigned.
Array parents_arr gives information for each individual that is a parent, whether it has complete marker data (par_mrk) and an assigned haplotype combination (par_hap), how many of its progeny have complete marker data (mrk) and haplotype data (hap), and how many of its progeny are compatible with it, assuming Double Reduction to be impossible(nonDRmatch) or possible (DRmatch). For details see the help (?pedigreeHapdosCheck).

Summary statistics

The results of overviewByFS and pedigreeHapdosCheck can be summarized using function calcStatistics:

cst <- calcStatistics(pedchk=pedchk, ovwFS=ovwFS)
haploblock mrk imp hap match.NA noDR.TRUE noDR.FALSE withDR.TRUE withDR.FALSE
ctg001 595 11 605 64 565 2 567 0
ctg002 601 0 596 70 561 0 561 0
ctg003 544 0 536 125 499 7 505 1
ctg004 577 6 567 98 524 9 533 0
ctg005 434 2 413 239 389 3 392 0
ctg006 392 15 393 251 379 1 379 1
ctg007 377 7 350 287 343 1 344 0
knitr::kable(cst$FSstats, digits=c(0,0,0,2,2,2))
FSfam bothparmrk FSFit mrk imp hap
1 7 7 348.14 4.86 352.14
2 7 6 31.57 0.00 27.29
3 6 6 58.43 0.29 55.00
4 6 6 25.43 0.71 24.14
rest NA NA 32.57 0.00 29.43
all NA NA 502.86 5.86 494.29

calcStatistics returns a list with two matrices. Matrix pedstats gives per haploblock the totals over all individuals from pedchk$ped_arr. The total of columns match.NA + noDR.TRUE + noDR.FALSE and of match.NA + withDR.TRUE + withDR.FALSE is the total number of individuals. Matrix FSstats gives the totals or means per FS family over all haploblocks from ovwFS$ovw. For details see the help (?calcStatistics).

Number of markers vs number of haplotypes

Finally we can get a table of the number of haplotypes vs the number of markers per haploblock:

##    haplotypes
## mrk 5 6 7 8
##   4 3 1 0 1
##   5 0 1 1 0

In this example there are 5 haploblocks with 4 markers and 2 haploblocks with 5 markers, so the table contains two rows.

Segregation in one FS, one haploblock

With function showOneFS it is possible to study the segregation of one haploblock in one FS family. Both the segregation of markers and of haplotypes is shown.

# show the segregation for FS number 1 (FSnr=1) and 
# haploblock number 1 (hbresults=results[[1]])
showOneFS(FSnr=1, hbresults=results[[1]], mrkDosage=demo_snpdos, 
          FS=FS, parents=parents)
## $mrkdat
##                (36451) (39287) 43 93 386 436 729 779 1072 <NA>
## frq                386     436 39 65 103 104  47  31    1   15
## WagCmDlf_18464       1       1  0  0   1   1   2   2    3   NA
## WagCmDlf_12697       0       1  0  1   0   1   0   1    0   NA
## WagCmDlf_61726       6       6  6  6   6   6   6   6    6   NA
## WagCmDlf_26276       0       1  0  1   0   1   0   1    0   NA
## $hapdat
##           (36451) (39287) 43 93 386 436 729 779 1072 <NA>
## frq           386     436 39 65 103 104  47  31    1   15
## ctg001_03       5       4  6  5   5   4   4   3    3   NA
## ctg001_08       0       1  0  1   0   1   0   1    0   NA
## ctg001_11       1       1  0  0   1   1   2   2    3   NA
## $usedhap
##                3 8 11
## WagCmDlf_18464 0 0  1
## WagCmDlf_12697 0 1  0
## WagCmDlf_61726 1 1  1
## WagCmDlf_26276 0 1  0

The result of showOneFS is a list with 3 elements. The first two are matrices that show the segregation in terms of marker dosages and haplotype dosages, respectively. The row names of these matrices are first “frq” (frequency, the number of FS individuals with each genotype) followed by the marker names or the haplotype names. The columns of both matrices are a bit complex. The first two columns represent the parents. Their column names are the names of the parents in (brackets), and their first row does not contain a frequency but the marker dosage IDs of the parents. All following columns have as names one of the marker dosage IDs occurring in the FS, and the first row has the number of FS individuals with that marker dosage ID. (A marker dosage ID or mrkdid is a number encoding the dosages of all the SNP markers in an individual). In all columns, the next rows contain the dosages of the markers or the haplotypes. The third element of the result is a matrix listing the composition of the haplotypes present, in terms of their marker alleles (with a 0 being the reference allele and a 1 the alternative allele).


PolyHaplotyper uses one or two pre-calculated lists, ahclist and ahccompletelist, that contain all possible haplotype combinations that result in the same marker dosage combination. These may take a lot of time to calculate and are completely reusable between haploblocks and runs of inferHaplotypes.

The ahclist and ahccompletelist lists are stored as files with names like ahclist_6x.RData and ahccompletelist_6x.RData (where 6x indicates the ploidy). These files must be either in the working directory, or their location must be specified in the call to inferHaplotypes by setting parameter ahcdir. If these files are not present the haplotyping will proceed normally, but the computation of the ahc data will add very much to the processing time; a message to that effect will be shown.

An ahccompletelist stores the possible haplotype combinations for ALL marker dosage combinations, for haploblocks from 1 marker up to some maximum. These lists are pre-calculated: they are only used but not changed by inferHaplotypes. They speed up the calculations enormously, but it takes considerable time to calculate them and above 7 or 8 markers (in tetraploids) or 6 markers (in hexaploids) they become too large. They are useful if haplotyping is a recurrent activity.

An ahclist stores the haplotype combinations for any marker dosage combination that is encountered in the data, and that cannot be found in the ahccompletelist (because that list is not available, or is limited to haploblocks with fewer markers). These lists are created or extended “on the fly” and then (re-)saved to file.

The package does not include ahclist or ahccompletelist files because of their size. The demo in this vignette doesn’t need them as the number of haploblocks is small and the calculation of the ahclist data requires little time. After running the vignette example you will find file ahclist_6x.RData in the working directory.

The ahccompletelist files can be computed using function build_ahccompletelist:

build_ahccompletelist(ploidy=6, maxmrk=5, overwrite=FALSE)

Alternatively the following ahccompletelists are (currently) available upon request from :
ploidy 4, up to 7 markers: ahccompletelist_4x.RData, 41 MB
ploidy 4, up to 8 markers: ahccompletelist_4x.RData, 769 MB
ploidy 6, up to 5 markers: ahccompletelist_6x.RData, 9 MB
ploidy 6, up to 6 markers: ahccompletelist_6x.RData, 515 MB

For those interested in some background on these lists:

An ahclist for a given ploidy has one item for each number of markers per haploblock (nmrk).
Such an item is itself a list, with one item for each marker dosage combination for which the set of haplotype combinations has been calculated. The name of such an item is the mrkdid (marker dosage ID) and the item contains a matrix with (ploidy) rows and one column per possible haplotype combination, with the numbers of the haplotypes that are present (e.g. a column with numbers 1, 17, 17, 24 means that haplotypes 1 and 24 are present in simplex and haplotype 17 is present in duplex, in this tetraploid combination). The order of the mrkdid items in the sublist for a certain number of markers is the order in which they are calculated, and they are accessed by their name (mrkdid).

An ahccompletelist is very similar, except that for each number of markers it contains all possible marker dosage combinations (mrkdids) in a fixed order. They are accessed by their position and not by their name (mrkdid). Therefore they don’t have or need the mrkdids as names.

The following tables show the total number of haplotype combinations and the total number of combinations of marker dosages for a range of marker numbers (in rows) and ploidy levels (in columns):

haplotype combinations
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8.000000e+00 9.000000e+00
2 4 10 20 35 56 84 1.200000e+02 1.650000e+02
3 8 36 120 330 792 1716 3.432000e+03 6.435000e+03
4 16 136 816 3876 15504 54264 1.705440e+05 4.903140e+05
5 32 528 5984 52360 376992 2324784 1.262026e+07 6.152375e+07
6 64 2080 45760 766480 10424128 119877472 1.198775e+09 1.063913e+10
7 128 8256 357760 11716640 309319296 6856577728 1.312545e+11 2.214919e+12
8 256 32896 2829056 183181376 9525431552 414356272512 1.550876e+13 5.098506e+14
combinations of marker dosages
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81
3 8 27 64 125 216 343 512 729
4 16 81 256 625 1296 2401 4096 6561
5 32 243 1024 3125 7776 16807 32768 59049
6 64 729 4096 15625 46656 117649 262144 531441
7 128 2187 16384 78125 279936 823543 2097152 4782969
8 256 6561 65536 390625 1679616 5764801 16777216 43046721