1. fitPoly::fitPoly_data
    Small fitPoly input datasets for testing and examples
  2. PolyHaplotyper::demo_ped
  3. PolyHaplotyper::demo_snpdos
    dosages of SNP alleles
  4. PolyHaplotyper::phFS
    members of FS families
  5. PolyHaplotyper::phblocks
    List of markers per haploblock
  6. PolyHaplotyper::phdos
    dosages of SNP alleles
    matrix|8 x 631
  7. PolyHaplotyper::phpar
    parents of FS families
  8. PolyHaplotyper::phped
  9. PolyHaplotyper::phresults
    haplotyping results